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(日本語情報) (Japanese Info) 日本語でご記入ください。(アルファベットは半角)

Which session(s) will you attend? Select any session you want to attend
If you are seeking CLE, please indicate the jurisdiction(s) for which you are seeking credit. (US Attorneys only)
(Please list your bar number)

(Would you like to meet one of our speakers individually?)
【YESと答えられた方には、こちらから別途連絡を差し上げます。】(If you answer YES, we will contact you separately.)
(If you have questions that you want to ask speakers or topics we cover, please comment in the box)

If you have any other questions about events, please comment in the box below.

参加について(Important Note)

申し込みが完了後、受講が確定されましたら、弊所から「受講証メール」をお送りします。 (You will receive a McDermott’s confirmation email to attend the seminar separately, when your seat is secured.)
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